Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Baby is getting spoiled already....

Today I went Christmas shopping with my grandma, as we do every year. I was expressing my concern that maybe I should be buying a pack of diapers every week or something?.... She said noooooo, just buy things you want and you'll get tons of stuff at the shower...I've only bought her 2 little outfits up until today and she got 3 more, including an outfit I have to share, because it is sooooo cute and maybe her coming home outfit. :),default,pd.html?cgid=carters-shower-gifts-baby-girl-babys-first-wardrobe

How adorable is that? She'll definitely need a bow to match :)

Other than that we're layin low this week and trying to keep up on crochet orders!!!

Monday, December 12, 2011

22 Weeks

Well I'm technically 21 weeks and 6 days but better early than late (or not at all because i'm a slacker right?).
I finally got around to taking a belly pic. Usually i don't feel like i look presentable because i'm home all day i've been living in sweatpants...and I rarely put on more than mascara. I'm gross. I accept it.
First Belly Pic, then stats :)

Officially not a cupcake belly I think. I also think I actually look pregnant, and for now I say THANK GOD. 

How far along? 21 Weeks and 6 days
Total weight gain/loss: Still No clue. But I do fit in my american eagle jeans with some fixing up with a hair ponytail holder, they still fit great in my legs. Although most shirts haven't fit very well for awhile unless they were long to begin with.
Maternity clothes? I bought a few on black friday (shirts) and for awhile i don't think i'll need anything. Maternity leggings are on my Christmas Wish List, and sadly I had to retire my favorite pair of fleece sweatpants that were fitted to begin with in the waist. They seriously hurt my belly now :( sad day. 
Stretch marks? No stretch marks, although i think that stupid zipper line is coming in and it is NOT welcome. I've been putting on Lamaze Belly Cream twice a day....hopefully it fades or doesn't get much worse. 
Sleep: Sleeping more through the night with less potty breaks actually. But, Waking up with some decent hip/lower back pain. I think that make have to do with the new mattress we got before Thanksgiving though. It is not pillow top, AND we went from a Cali King to a Queen. eek.
Best moment this week:  Feeling the baby move EVERY day. It is amazing. 

Miss Anything? Running! I miss running SO BAD.

Movement: Definitely, she is CRAZY. 
Food cravings: Anything spicy, and Tabasco goes on basically anything and everything now. No heartburn yet. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not anymore really :)
Labor Signs: No
Symptoms: hip/back pain. Tired quite a bit.
Belly Button in or out? In still :)
Wedding rings on or off? Only On when i'm out and about. otherwise it stays off.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy, especially since i feel like i can start planning
Looking forward to: Christmas and Maternity Pics in February with Sara Mac Photography out of Douglass KS. :) 

Saturday, December 3, 2011

20 weeks and a few days ;)

Alright readers, I'm sorry I've been on super Hiatus! So I'm gonna fill you in.
We went in for our 18 week sono to find out that we have a REALLY difficult baby on our hands. The whole time 'it' was laying head down like in a head stand, curled around the placenta and had the legs closed tight. They could see a little bump but never could get a shot of the boy parts to confirm if it was a boy or girl. He said he would wander to guess boy but would not buy blue because at that point it could be swollen girl parts....
I was pretty disappointed but felt like I was right, that we were totally having a boy as I have felt non stop since we got pregnant. So I had my 18 week appointment that week also and she said that I was measuring perfect, and also that as long as we don't have any complications that we wouldn't have any more sonograms....This is where I start hating my doctor btw. So I leave and think, well fine, we'll have a babywaves appointment and find out that way after 20 weeks. So I've had a few pretty boring weeks, no funky stuff, only getting sick once a week like I have been etc; etc;.
So we get to go in for our 20 week sono at babywaves, that my doctor refuses to sign permission for. Thankfully they never even asked for the permission slip so we got to go in anyways. This is where I'm finding a way to switch primary care physicians if possible Monday, because I officially HATE my doctor. really? you're going to deny a babywaves appointment. For gods sakes.
We get in and I immediately inform the tech that we have a pretty defiant baby on our hands. I mean, the last sonogram we had LITERALLY crossed feet. Which i was REALLY bummed about as was Q. So I tell her if we need to use the full 30 minutes to figure out the sex, that's fine. So she gets in position, what do you know. The baby has flipped, BUT, is now sitting cross-legged on the butt....making a view pretty hard to get. She says confidently 'oh they always undo you just have to give them some time'...So she starts showing us the face, which was a much better sono picture than our last, of course we have the typical crazy hands like the last time, which we refer to as 'jazz hands' And she tries again. She gets 3 white lines numerous times, which is a girl. But can't get a good shot she goes back around. And the only way she can get a view is to move from the top of my stomach dowwwn to the pelvic bone and look up with the probe. I swear she made that movement 50 times. But we keep getting 3 lines, 3 lines, no boy parts. So.....I was wrong....
We're having a GIRL!!!!
The Tech Said this is By far the most difficult baby she has ever had to try and find gender on.

Quincy was maybe a hair disappointed, i sort of blame myself which he says obviously is not my fault and he will love her anyways, but I was so persistent that I swore it was a boy. I mean, we had a boy name picked out (Brecken Kenneth), and had not even looked at girl names because I felt it was kind of pointless. But since last night he has come WAY around to it and I know he'll love her no matter what.

So she's our little stubborn shocker!

Still No Ideas on names btw.

Also, I PROMISE to get a belly pic up and more of the 20 week Sono.
18 Weeks, showing off those Jazz Hands

Curled around the placenta, you can also see the feet

Crossed feet

Good Shot of Spine

20 Weeks, Sweet little profile :) My favorite thing is her nose. 

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

17 Weeks

So after much pestering from my family and friends, I give you a belly pic....a sad version via picture phone, but hey, as you see, I look like I've had 2 dozen I'm so so ready to look like i'm actually pregnant and not fat. And i'm kind of waiting for some stranger at the grocery store to ask me how far I am, since that will be confirmation that I actually look preggs. 

So without any further delay...

Nice for a belly full of cupcakes right? 

We find out the sex in SIX DAYS. Time cannot go any slower, and if this baby is shy I will be so bummed. 

Here's the stats!

How far along? 17 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: Still no Clue. I still fit in all of my shirts (some are short ish), and my jeans technically still fit but have been tossed aside due to the comfy-ness of my one pair of maternity jeans.
Maternity clothes? Haven't bought anymore yet...probably wont until BLACK FRIDAY!!!
Stretch marks? Thankfully no, And i've gotten better about cocoa buttering. 
Sleep: Suddenly i'm sleeping through the night without potty breaks...which could be bad because i might be slacking on fluid intake....but other than that and bizarre dreams, sleeping good!
Best moment this week:  Eating the chocolate cake that I made from scratch today ( )
Miss Anything? still margarita's. 

Movement: maybe? still?
Food cravings:I'm pretty sure Saturday I had my first Legit craving...A chili cheese coney. It was divine. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: just the usual typical nausea 
Gender Prediction : Boy
Labor Signs: No

Symptoms: Round ligament pain, some nausea.
Belly Button in or out? In still :)
Wedding rings on or off? I've had it off all week, but I haven't gone anywhere.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Quite happy this week, maybe due to the sono coming up and my clean house since i have had some decent energy.
Looking forward to: Still finding out the sex and holidays..... And a drink in less than 180 days...

Sunday, November 6, 2011

16 Weeks - Busy Sunday

First off, yesterday was horribly un-productive, not totally a loss but didn't get much don't. Got some chores done but that was about it. Spent the rest of the day crocheting and facebooking and...pinning (addiction alert!). Highlight of the day, Bambino and I experienced our FIRST earthquake! It was pretty weird, Shook the couch and I thought I was going crazy but the news was on and shortly after they said it had just happened. Quincy was asleep and missed it. Although it was pretty neat, I think they need to quit. I mean, each region should only have to deal with one possible natural disaster. We have tornado's....not earthquakes. 

Today, Quincy worked again so I busied myself with finishing laundry, cleaning up my french toast mess (Cloe ruined my french toast dreams yesterday by stealing a WHOLE loaf of bread off of the counter), and cleaning the mud room. My goal is to do a decent sized organization task once a week until the holidays and keep the house really clean. God knows everyone is busy during the holidays and i just really don't want to deal with it, not to mention we find out what this baby is right before thanksgiving so i'm sure once the holidays are finished we'll be jumping straight into painting the baby's room etc; it just needs to be done...

Here are somethings that have me swooning this weekend, besides the chili cheese coney I had to have 20 minutes was divine. 

This elephant hat. so freaking cute. 

This Deer wall art. If we have a boy i'm thinking a fun nature ish fun nursery is just the ticket, and I'm pretty sure i can swing this one DIY.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

16 Weeks - Theme Thursday - Gadget

So, as my first Theme Thursday I thought I'd post about something that I think has grown SO much over the last few years, and that is baby gadgets. It's ENDLESS the stuff you can buy to make life easier as a mom (or dad). Here are a few baby gadgets that have been blowing my mind lately.

Check that puppy out. If i was using formula, was rich, and lived in Sweden, I would be all over that Keurig for Baby formula. It even filters the water. 
**Correction, If I lived in Switzerland**

P.s. Bear with me, i'm still trying to learn how to image map things to make images clickable. 

And the thing I would really like to spring for

Philips AVENT Baby Monitor with Temperature and Humidity Sensors

This is not your average baby monitor. It lets you know the temperature, the humidity, It lights up and vibrates when it hears something in your baby's room, it talks to you, and even has a nightlight and sings lullabies to your baby. Freaking COOL.

That's all for Theme Thursday! I'm off to do dishes!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

16 Weeks

It seemed like a good time today at 16 whopping weeks to start a blog for our pregnancy. I have a lot of family that live outside of Kansas and would like to not only share our milestones but also things that I'm checking out, researching, and mulling over. 
Some things that have been in daily conversation here at home have been 
     -The Ultrasound coming up (13 days!), we'll find out the sex. I STILL think its a boy and have thought that since months ago. 
     - The fishy like movements I keep having. My stomach was rolling last week and I thought maybe it was the baby, but thought the movements were a little big to be something the length of a Lemon. But over the last few days its felt like a little Betta in my belly. (Quincy laughed when I said Betta). 
     - Names, we've officially given up on thinking of a name for a boy and a girl, because our Boy name has been promptly turned into a trendy name and we know 3 people in Town that have used it. We planned to use the name Barrett for a boy, but like I said...apparently trendy. oh well! We will just wait until we know what this betta fish is before we start thinking too seriously of names
     -The Birth, We plan to have the baby naturally with as few intervention as possible (because I have learned that a lot of the interventions just snowball into the next intervention then you end up having a c-section and probably wouldn't have had you not started the first intervention. Thank you Business of Being Born.) Obviously I'm still researching but have been researching since roughly a year and a half ago when my little sister found out she was pregnant. I know ladies, "it hurts" "I'm crazy" "I'll never make it" "Are you sure you doing whats best?"'s were my frankness kicks in (god know's I'm pregnant, and I've FINALLY gotten irritated with this)....You are not birthing our baby, I am. So please keep your DARN OPINIONS on birthing to yourself. Yes, I know it COULD hurt (read into hypno birthing, it'll do you good! And some other options too because there are MORE THAN ONE). Yes, I know that labor can be long. But guess what, just because 99.9% of America is getting induced and having epidurals doesn't mean everyone needs them or that anyone needs them in the first place. I'm all for hearing positive Birth stories, but i'm sick of hearing all these broads thinking they're too weak or not able to have a baby without all these 'things'....i know sometimes they're necessary, but how often are they REALLY necessary? Venting done...for now. 
     -The baby's room, We have LOTS of ideas, thank you Pinterest. But obviously nothing solid until we know what baby is. 
For all you mama friends that have been begging and dying for me to post a belly pic....well I refuse to post that on Facebook...there are just too many judging men on there. lol. But next week or maybe tomorrow or this week, I promise i will post some kind of belly picture. And will continue to post them throughout the next 24 weeks. (really...only 24 left??)

So here's the breakdown for this week...
How far along? 16 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: Honestly, No clue.
Maternity clothes? A few, just a pair of jeans and some T's

Stretch marks? No...but I've been rubbing down with some cocoa butter randomly...I should probably be more religious abut that.
Sleep: Sleeping good except for 2 or 3 potty breaks, and getting to sleep. Once asleep I sleep hard, and have LOTS of bizarre and funny dreams.
Best moment this week:  Feeling a possible fish movement!
Miss Anything? My regular jeans, some shirts and obviously...a few cocktails

Movement: maybe?
Food cravings: I don't know that I have any legitamate cravings yet. But I have really loved Kool-Aid this week.
Anything making you queasy or sick: nothing that I can Pinpoint
Gender Prediction : Boy
Labor Signs: No

Symptoms: Round ligament pain, some nausea.
Belly Button in or out? In still :)
Wedding rings on or off? On sometimes. I've always swollen easy (thanks mom!) so I really only wear it if we're going somewhere
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy most of the time, with the exception of a mood change due to stress
Looking forward to: Finding out the sex obviously, AND the holidays :) :)